Restaurant Table Tracking System

Ultra Trac RFID Restaurant Table Location System

The Ultra Trac RFID Restaurant Table Tracking system is designed for order at the counter or bar style restaurants and bars, The system will instantly notify wait staff which table any order is seated at.

When a customer orders food from the bar they are given a Customer Tracking Pager and the system will do the rest. The moment a customer selects a table the system identifies the table and displays the table number on screen with the customers food order. If a customer changes tables the system will update with the new table number instantly.

For take away orders customers can be alerted by tapping the food order on the screen which alerts the pager to call the customer to collect their food.

All food orders along with the table are displayed on screen, the system can display on computers, Android tablets & phones or directly on a screen with HDMI input.

Ultra Trac is RFID can also display your floor & table plan showing graphically the table where a food order needs to be delivered to.

No more wasting time searching for guests who have moved tables, food is delivered promptly and tables served faster resulting in happy customers and a smoother restaurant operation. Capitalise on busy service periods by delivering food faster and turning tables quicker our revolutionary Ultra Trac RFID table tracker & locator is the perfect solution for busy quick service restaurants.

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Ultra Trac RFID Table Location System Features & Benefits

  • Tables & food orders are matched & displayed instantly on screen
  • Display shows which tables to run food orders to
  • Boosts customer satisfaction by serving guests food faster
  • Live Tracking of Customer
  • Instantly tracks any customer who moves tables
  • Live table plan showing seating and orders
  • Take Away order option to call the customer by alerting the pager
  • Display operates on computer screens, Android Tablets & phones & any screen with a HDMI input
  • Reduces food waste & customer refunds
  • Totally wireless operation for ease of installation
  • Unique RFID Tracking Technology
  • Turn tables quicker & deliver food faster during busy service periods

How the Restaurant Table Tracking System Works

  1. Customer places their order and are handed the Ultra Trac Pager
  2. Customer selects a table and places the Ultra Trac Pager on the table
  3. The Ultra Trac RFID receiver beacon is constantly updated with the customers selected table
  4. Food orders are instantly matched to the diners table
  5. When the order is ready staff view the screen to find which table the customer is seated at
  6. Order is delivered and staff collect the Ultra Trac Pager and return for use

Designed For

  • Tracking Tables for order at the Counter Service
  • Order at the Bar Restaurants
  • Garden Centre Restaurants
  • Quick Service Restaurants
  • Fast Casual Restaurants